Graham Barker - Adventures of Billy London

RealPlayer Sample
1. Dangerous Times - Graham Barker (0:54)

Adam Simmons - tenor saxophone
Graham Barker - vocals
Bruce Haymes - piano
Stuart Speed - bass
Gavin Gray - drums
Released1995, independently distributed by Slim Chance Recordings (Melbourne, Australia), Cat. no. - SLIC001CD
Cost $20 (Aust)

Graham has done many things - one of which is music. Graham usually works with musicians associated with such artists as Paul Kelly, Renee Geyer and Vika and Linda Bull. As a song writer and performer he is greatly admired by many top musicians within the Melbourne music scene. Graham has played in Noumea at Jazz en Aout, and has performed around Australia. Adam first started working with Graham at the end of 95 and is currently working on some new material with him at the moment...stay tuned!

Possibly in selected recprd stores around Melbourne
Order through this site or at any of Adam's gigs

For further details contact Adam.